Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Except these mice! They were busy decorating for Christmas. I’m so excited to bring you this adorable mice themed Christmas class! This is an intermediate level workshop, but all decorators are welcome.
The prerecorded online tutorial video is three hours and contains the icing coloring & consistency preparation, helping you achieve the perfect shades and ideal consistencies. You’ll learn how to create royal icing transfers, outline and fill, create 3D depth and layers with icing, pipe details, create texture, and explore the use of piping tips as well.
The nonrefundable purchase includes the link to view the three hour demonstration video, cookie and icing recipes and preparation methods, color guides, icing consistency tips and tricks, supply list with easy to shop clickable links, and 24/7 customized support from me!
Cutters and physical materials are not included. Cutters can be purchased separately from The Sweet Designs Shoppe here:
Due to the digital nature of this purchase, no refunds available. All sales are final.